Just yesterday a visiting priest talked about the new missal. Its words had been used in part during the service. The result was almost total silence at some points. People didn't want to make mistakes , but none of us had copies as yet, apart form the creed and other short prayers. The priest was older than the majority. Old enough to remember the Latin mass. 'It's simple!' - he then went into Latin for a minute or two - totally unintelligable to his congregation - and then added with a shrug 'We're just back to where we were.' He meant of course back to pre-Vatican 2. Firstly does any one really want this? Secondly , can we go back? Not just to the words of the missal, on which I hold judgement not having seen it in its fulness, but whether one agrees with it or not the church has moved on, as has the world. People have different expections to those held in the early 60's and earlier. Women are being ordained, and the more this is made known, the more people will accept it as normal. How can any priest who claims that God called him into ministry tell a woman that she is mistaken when she describes exactly the same experience? The Church has changed its mind on many topics , slavery to name one. So keep praying and keep believing. 'Longing for food, many are hungry. Longing for water, many still thirst. Make us your bread broken for others, shared until all are fed... Let us be servants to one another, making your kingdom come.
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