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Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Permission Given

On Sunday as a couple we attended 3 different church services – two together and one I went to by myself. My solo appearance was at the local Catholic church where the theme of the homily was Truth and Justice. We were told that if we became aware of injustice we should do something about it , or at least support those who did speak out. This I feel gives me the go ahead to say what I feel about the injustice of banning women’s ordination within Catholicism.

The other two services were at churches not bound by a liturgical calendar, yet the message was  the same. The speakers both took instances from the life of David, the first describing how David made use of what he knew in order to bring glory to God . The second was even more compelling - the way in which Samuel chose David to be the future king.  He did not look at outward appearance as all of Jess’s sons were called before him. My outward appearance is that of a woman and in my case that of a wife and a mother. The Catholic Church of course looks for vocations amongst its priests, but after that concentrates only on outward appearance i.e. discards all who are not men.   Is that just? Is it what God wants? I have met men who recognise my call, they don’t deny it at all, so presumably recognise it as coming from God, but then say ‘Not in a thousand years’.  The hierarchy seems just too strong to be overcome and resistance impossible, or apparently so . Yet look at examples, even in recent years, of how laws have been overturned – apartheid is a glaring and excellent example. Yes I know that isn’t within the Church. Go a little further back. The Church accepted slavery as a norm. It no longer does so. Here’s to the day when women’s ordination is no longer a matter to be discussed ( or ignored) , but to be celebrated.

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