I have been reading about two possible papal candidates, both African, as well as the possible fragility of Joseph Ratzinger. If one of these men were eventually elected, whenever that is, what would the possible differences be? What would the implications be for the Church? A livelier one perhaps and some change of emphasis? Also what about the future position of women?
I have no real knowledge of either of these men, except that one of them is 63, young for a modern day pope. Will he suffer the fate of a certain candidate for the Generalship of the Salvation Army some years ago? The person concerned was almost certainly considered to be the best person for the job, but was rejected at that time as being too young. The youth in itself wasn’t the problem, it was the fact that once in place she ( note the pronoun) would be there for very many years. She was elected some years later. John Paul II was of course only 58 when elected.. His relative youth meant that lots of travel was made easier, but as well as other stresses which go with such high office, it is an increasingly physical job – lots of travelling and public appearances. A lot to ask for a man well into his 9th decade, even with the support of the Holy Spirit
Many the gifts, many the works, one in the Lord of all.
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